Amazon USA: Recommended for Nigerians who love to buy high quality products

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Posted on Thursday March 26, 2015 at 13:23:19:

I've had some experience at buying things online from several sources and countries. I've tried out Amazon, eBay, Aliexpress as well as Mininthebox but one thing I've noticed is that most of the items I've purchased on Amazon US were actually of the highest quality.

Sure, websites like Aliexpress and others might offer a variety of products that come with low prices but those low prices also tend to come with low quality products that are made in China. Don't get me wrong, there are also a tonne of good products being made in China that are of high quality but what I'm saying is that compared to Amazon, I don't get as much quality from Aliexpress as I get from Amazon.

I guess it's because Amazon mostly sells US made goods and these are items that are normally produced with higher quality standards than you'd get elsewhere. You'd find a tonne of products on Amazon that are actually consumer friendly. While some items might be a bit high priced, they tend to last longer than the ones purchases from elsewhere.

Amazon offers a large number of buyers across the world the opportunity to access US made products that come with better durability that would actually save you money in the long run.

For instance, there is this micro-USB cable that I've purchased from China but it doesn't last long and tends to break or get damaged after 3 or 4 months of usage but the ones I've purchased from Amazon which are also branded by them appear stronger and can last up to 2 years without a need for replacement.

You'd know that an item has better quality and durability when it perhaps has more weight, better design, can withstand wear and tear and actually lasts longer.

You could perhaps buy an Android tablet from China on Aliexpress and buy Another one from Amazon made by a US company. Chances are that by the time you use both of them for long, the one sold by Amazon and made in the USA would actually last longer and perform better than the ones made in China. Just try comparing a Kindle Fire HD sold on Amazon to a Android tablet sold on Aliexpress and you'd know what I'm talking about. You could also try comparing a Levi Strauss Jeans sold on Amazon to a jeans sold on Aliexpress.

I've purchased quite a number of items from Amazon US shopping website as well as Aliexpress and I have to say that the former has provided me with better quality products even though it costs me more to acquire it due to international shipping costs unlike Aliexpress which ships via postal mail.

If you've got the money and want to buy high quality products, you should spend in on US made products and most of them are sold on Amazon based on my experience as an international online shopper in Nigeria.

All it takes to shop on Amazon USA assuming you are not living in the USA and living in Nigeria is to at least have a Visa or Mastercard and then a US shipping agent. After your purchase on Amazon, it will get delivered to your US shipping agent's warehouse who will then send it to you when you want it for a small fee.

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