Convert your Paypal funds to Gift cards

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Posted on Monday November 10, 2014 at 15:11:8:

If you are an online shopper and have funds in your Paypal account but don't immediately want to use it to shop on Paypal friendly sites like eBay or MiniInTheBox, a cool way to use it on other shopping websites is to simply use it to buy gift cards on popular websites. There is this cool website I've recently discovered that allowed me to do just that. You should however note that once your purchase gift cards, it can no longer be converted to cash but rather be used for settling payments at the online shopping website.

GYFT is the website I'm talking about and it allows users to simply convert their Paypal funds to gift cards that are used by a large number of US online merchants. One top site I normally use it for is Amazon but there are other sites that are available such as,, Starbucks, iTunes, Dell, Kohl's, Tears, Zappos, Victoria's Secret, Gamestop, Target and others. They have gift cards available for over 200 US merchants and all you just need to buy with is your Paypal account.

If you are an online shopper and just looking for a way to buy things on maybe Amazon but want to pay with Paypal, a smart way to do that for now is to buy Amazon gift cards with it and then use it. This is because it's not all of those US websites that accept Paypal.

I don't know about most other US merchants but buying gift cards on Amazon does come with some advantage such as the fact that theirs never expires and besides, they have the largest store I've seen so far and prices are really reasonable enough.

Try out GYFT today